Pediatric Occupational Therapy in Wisconsin

Sensory and play-based occupational therapy for the Coulee Region of Wisconsin

We look at the big picture of home, school, and community to help kids and their families have better days.

Occupational therapist puts together a puzzle with a client and their sibling
  • Sensory challenges

  • Meltdowns

  • Bedtime struggles 

  • Arguing with siblings

  • Anxiety

  • Difficulty making friends

Real-life challenges look like this: 

Occupational therapist provides care to child

Pediatric OT

Comprehensive support focus on supporting kids and their families

Therapist provides craniosacral therapy to relaxed client

Craniosacral Therapy

Hands-on therapy to reset the nervous system, offered for adults and children

Children play together with Lego

Play Groups & Classes

Groups to help kids and teens develop social and emotional skills

"My son has big emotions and Becca has really helped us understand how to lean into those emotions rather than being challenged by or bristling at them. One of my son's biggest triggers was the word "no" and we've seen improvements of him handling the word "no" and now being able to describe why a particular "no" made him sad/mad/disappointed etc."

- Honeybee OT Parent 

Get Started with Honeybee OT